Two down Two to go… one of which is EDC3100

Well it is 11.21pm and I have just finished off another assignment… I wont say successfully as its a shocker but I have tried my best which is all I can give at this point in time.

I have successfully completed prac however I have just realised my mentor didn’t sign about a billion forms I need signed…. off I go back sometime this week.. it was my fault.. I rushed out Friday and completely forgot.

Well EDC3100 is coming to an end and I know nearly all my study buddies have had an awful semester because of the assignment load .. one thing that I used this semester is Tiki Toki… it was a life saver when I had to get on track with 11 yes 11 assignments this semester.

I want to reflect back on this whole blog experience. I was dreading it at the start of the semester, I don’t mind it now, its a way to get things out that are lurking around in your head however it does have its negatives… like how much of a time waster it is…. I would love to blog in my personal life but I simply don’t have the time. I find it way easier to quickly update a Facebook status or comment on someone else’s post that has already winged about having to complete another assignment on a Friday night instead of relaxing in their pj’s with a class of wine in their hand watching whatever rubbish is on TV at the time.

Maybe when uni is over.. and I have a class of my own…

One day…..