ICT in my lessons

Well I have successfully used ICT in my classroom for two weeks now. Nothing extreme as I have very limited ICT availability. I am trying to think of ways in the last week that I can really go out with a boom! Unfortunately my class is at assessment time so a lot of the computer allocated time is for research… so I have to try and add in my ICT use in class which I have been able to do using the IWB but I feel its abit boring and abit overdone.. I wanted something exciting to put into my lessons! So I am going to have a good hard think this weekend and see what I can come up with.

Saranna has spoken in her blog about utilising powerpoint to make a quiz…. this is something I believe I could do aswell with the maths unit I am completing so I may look into how I can achieve an interactive quiz using the IWB. I would love to use the 5 ipads that we only have in reading groups however I cannot add any apps on there…. they only really have mathletics etc…. anyway off I go to think!

One thought on “ICT in my lessons

  1. sarannahunt84 says:

    Can always use ICT as a brain break – get them moving if they have been sitting for a long time especially when working on assessments.


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