Check before you dig!

Well…. here I was thinking I was so ahead on my assignment.. I finished it about 1.5 weeks ago… all I needed to do was a quick check of the forums… referencing.. re-read and I was going to submit on Monday. Well that is when everything went bad..

Some silly.. for a better word person digged up and cut through a bigpond cable cord… thus cutting off my internet since Monday 9.55 till this morning (Wednesday).

All through this course I have raved how fantastic ICT is… until this happened.. I had no way of opening up journal articles to reference.. to check peer comments on the forum page… I felt at a complete loss. Well I waited around all day… tried my partners internet but it was down, went to maccas – that was a massive fail when it kept disconnecting every 5 seconds. I ended up having to crash my friends place who has a 6 week old baby and a very active toddler and sit there to try and complete my assignment and have it done before 12am. I hated this, I hate feeling like I haven’t got time to think, I feel this will come out in my marks as I didn’t have to double check my referencing or get another set of eyes over the finished result.

So currently I have a hate relationship with ICT, I can only imagine how business’s felt and how much money they would have lost because of one person cutting a wire…….surely there should be a back up system.

Anyways if you would love to read about this huge problem here is the link.

I am now going to try and catch up on a billion subjects that I wasn’t able to work on this week… *sigh*

3 thoughts on “Check before you dig!

  1. I cant help but feel the stress you must have been feeling at this point. It has been a really tough semester. I know that you can win out over anything that comes your way and whatever you are feeling I know you are not alone, I and others feel it too. It’s been a really tough course and we are nearly done. Hold on… are nearly there!


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