High expectations! Killing myself slowly

Wow I didn’t realise that there were so many of us that literally put ourselves over the coals when we don’t get a good grade.

I told myself this semester that I would not sit at the screen and ponder all the different angles I could come from when completing an assessment task. I have been known to say to my friends ..”man  I have 600 words left on this assignments its going to take me forever” they just look at me with a weird look… im assuming thinking its not that many words stop winging but if you are anything like me I think and think and think until I have perfected my 600 word response in my head and then I start writing… which takes another few days of self doubt before I can then move on to something else.

I must say its rather sad to hear about peoples negative feedback on their assignments such as this one. I understand as students sometimes we get it wrong or make a mistake however sometimes I think as a group of people trying our hardest sometimes comments can be insensitive. I am sure a lot of people agree that most of us put blood sweat and tears into our assignments and when we get bad marks we feel bad enough let alone the occasional nasty comment we receive back. What happened to constructive feedback? ICT has ensured many of us can study online… but there is a huge disadvantage when it comes to being able to receive feedback.

I received a mark I am happy with for assignment 1 and I must admit there was nothing wrong with my feedback however my marker did question my use of giving an example of another educator… which I swear is in the criteria and something that David mentioned in an email… but I am moving on and putting all my energy into assignment 2. Which by the way I have only 8 words left for my justification and I haven’t even written my conclusion yet. Is anyone else struggling with the word count? I feel like I haven’t justified my ICT use enough however I just don’t feel like I have the word count… hopefully I have done enough.

Anyways I am going to end this post on a positive. No matter what result you got in assignment 1 the GOOD thing about having three assignments is there is plenty of time to redeem your marks and walk away with a mark that will make you happy.

I just thought I would add in this link. Its about how to survive university.. I went straight to the food section… I don’t know if anyone else is the same but the moment I need to whip out an assignment.. all I want to do is eat.. I don’t know whether its the procrastination or the fact that I stress myself out to much! haha

*As I am typing I just downed the last of my easter eggs….*

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