My thoughts for assignment 2

Okay lets see how I go?

I am loving science at the moment – most likely because I completed it last year and have found memories from completing the course.

I was immediately drawn to

Living things have life cycles (ACSSU072)

I have previous experience teaching life cycle lessons which makes it relevant however I need to narrow down on a particular animal – I would love to do a full life cycle in class – I was thinking silkworms might be best and the students can photograph all the stages… there is lots of room to include ICT so I am rather excited.

I think I will pair it up with

Safely use appropriate materials, tools or equipment to make and record observations, using formal measurements and digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS066)

or even…

Represent and communicate ideas and findings in a variety of ways such as diagrams, physical representations and simple reports (ACSIS071)

I am a little undecided – I have this week dedicated to catching up and having this assignment where it needs to be…. wish me luck!

Assignment 2 and reflection

Well I have just started to look into the course work I have finished and I need to get started on this assignment ASAP. Looking back on previous unit or lesson plans that I have completed I have always struggled until completing EDC2300 when I learnt about the backwards design process.

I am pretty eager to get in and complete this assignment but I must admit I still feel like there is a lot to learn about adding ICT in order to transform learning… some of my ideas I have realised are just substitutions for paper or blackboard.

I need to have abit more of a think which in all honestly is something I cant afford at the moment with other assignments all looming – but ill suck it up and get on with it!

If anyone needs any more info on the Backward Design Model this is a useful document.

This blog from Jenny has more information about assignment 2 is anyone is interested.

Amanda 🙂

Pinterest – Pinning me down

Well anyone that would know me knows I have a slight obsession with Pinterest!

I am not the most creative person in the world however this site really inspires me, whether its to change the way I have done my hair, tempt my tastebuds with something that is absolutely delicious OR provide me with some ideas for teaching in the classroom.

I used this site heavily whilst I was on prac last year as I had to complete a science experiment every week. I find it difficult sometimes coming up with ideas that are AGE appropriate – this site was fantastic – it enabled me to search on my break and show my mentor all the fresh ideas which she loved!!

I know this is just another resource blog and you have most likely already heard but it provides you the ability to be able to save things in folders… something I have already started doing so that by the time I am in my classroom or am covering on relief I have some quick activities that I can access whenever I have my phone on me.

Belinda loves Pinterest just as much as I do by the sounds of it 🙂

Follow this link to take you straight to the home page – sign up and enjoy 🙂

A week behind

Well… I told myself I would be blogging every week so that I could get the maximum marks for my assignment… well last week… I had so much study on for other course work that I completely forgot – didn’t even look at my blog or read any other students.

I was disappointed in myself.

Well I shook it off and I am back on the game this week after needing to finish three assignments in 1 week!! I know all of you have felt that pain at some point!

Sometimes I wonder with all this technology and the ability to create calendars… why the uni schedule for education subjects decide to put three subjects together in one semester that all have three assignments… plus a prac! I feel that the pressure of having three due all at once is going to affect my grades.. which will then in turn affect my GPA which does not make me happy *stamping her feet*

Okay enough of my rant – I haven’t had time to catch up on course work however I have thoroughly enjoyed going through and looking at some peoples assignments – I like that we have been able to collaborate and see what others produced.

Anyways I have listed below two blogs that I enjoyed reading – hope you do to!

All for now x

Bit Random

How Social Media has Changed Plane Accidents